The blog bog

29 Apr




The blog bog

by L. Stewart Marsden

The blog bog served up its thick and wafting clouds of mist
that hid quick-sanded traps amidst the steaming, bubbling boil,
which passers-through did toil and slog till bound in waist-deep goo
with naught a map to see them to its end.

Near and far did blend together regardless whether the marchers knew which way,
who, at end of day, were no closer to escape but nonetheless did make their valiant tries
to course the bloody bog and understand just why it sapped all those that entered,
why those that ventured through the bog, were finally sucked deep down within.


Copyright © by Lawrence S. Marsden, 29 April, 2014

12 Responses to “The blog bog”

  1. RoSy April 29, 2014 at 9:37 pm #

    Oh my!


  2. kennamckinnon April 30, 2014 at 4:15 am #

    I like that. BTW, Skip, you don’t have to mark your work as copyright. It’s copyrighted anyhow as soon as you write it.


    • skipmars April 30, 2014 at 8:30 am #

      You’ll have to forgive an old man who is a bit protective. I’ve had my work reblogged in the past where credit was not given.


  3. kennamckinnon April 30, 2014 at 8:54 am #

    I see you used the Vonnegut link we talked about. There are a number of greats who have passed on. I’m sure there are more living today but I’m out of touch. Jeremy Shipp, in my opinion, is one of them. And his mother! Stephen King will long be a legend. The Stand is my favorite Stephen King novel.


    • skipmars April 30, 2014 at 9:22 am #

      Years ago, after a surgery and during a recovery period, I tore through a lot of King, including a collection of short stories written under his pseudonym. The Stand was clearly my favorite, too.

      I discovered a theme in his writing, wherein one character, who is initially a kind of bad worm, does something heroic (usually ending up dead) that redeems him. Not sure the device is used in all of his stuff.

      My thought is that character is King himself.


      • kennamckinnon April 30, 2014 at 10:10 am #

        I’ve always thought that King is very sentimental. I gathered that from his portrayal of his characters. At odds with his reputation as a horror writer supreme.


      • skipmars April 30, 2014 at 10:23 am #

        Traditional horror always included sentiment. The monster in Frankenstein pulled at heart strings, as did the Wolf Man. Dracula? Not so much. King Kong — ’twas love that killed the beast.

        Stephen King just wants to be loved for who he is — like us all.


  4. skipmars April 30, 2014 at 10:03 am #

    Looked at your site and saw into you a bit more. My son Graham was diagnosed with ALL at around 3 years of age (Graham’s Story on my blog), but survived. I can’t imagine — and don’t particularly care to — losing one of my children. It was difficult enough preparing for that at the time of his treatment.

    Re paranoia — I tried to find a Ziggy cartoon I saw years ago to paste here. Ziggy is seated in a big cushy chair. It’s night and he has one lamp on in order to read. A window is behind him a bit.

    There are eyes drawn in all the dark places — under the chair, in the corners, outside the window.

    The caption reads: You’re not paranoid. They really ARE after you!

    In her waning years, my grandmother Bapa, who lived with us at the time, pulled me aside in her room one time and told me the communists were after her.

    One of my sisters, as a result of long verbal abuse by her husband, is now paranoid about everything, and constantly worries and frets over everything from global warming to the diminishing ozone layer, to pesticides in the atmosphere to _________________ (you fill in the space).

    BTW: I really liked the video promo for SpaceHive! I caught a glimpse of the direction books — YA and others — might go. I wrote a long short-story, Cicada, that’s in Through the Glass Darkly, that utilizes an insect theme, only more adult horror.

    On Animal Planet last night, there was a program on Africa entitled Savannah, and depicted a type of cricket that grows 2 to 3 inches long, has an extremely hard exoskeleton, and climbs trees to eat fledgling birds! It’s also cannibalistic!

    I digress. Back to work.



  5. Sue May 1, 2014 at 11:19 am #

    Great work!


    • skipmars May 1, 2014 at 11:35 am #

      I was feeling a bit boggish at the time. Thanks.


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